McLean Trucking
Winston-Salem, NC
MC-031389 DoT 97161
Ceased operations in 1986

Facebook - McLean Trucking Co.
Wikipedia - Malcom McLean
Freightwaves - Online Haul of Fame: McLean Trucking
lessthantruckloadhistory - McLean Trucking Takes Over US 52
Encyclopedia of North Carolina - McLean Trucking Company
The North Carolina Trucker Who Brought the World to America in a Box
Youtube - McLean Trucking: Smartest Company Owner Ever??

Route Map - 1972
route map
Profiled in Mike Terebecki's The Vanishing Trucking Pioneers Book (click image to see Book index)

A Coloring Book of Fallen Flags


Seller Name Seller
Wolverine Express Inc Muskegon MI sld1977 DQ

Patches of it that are in my project - Facebook Trucking Industry Insignia Patches

c01b c07b a50b c09b

Other known patches

Patches for this carrier that I have for sale on eBay:
I will sell them direct to you for a 10% discount from the eBay price, but you must advise me that you want to do that
If you are interested in one, send me the "eBay item number". Contact Me
You can pay via PayPal/Check/Cash. Prices include shipping (USPS 1st class)

If you want your own memoribilia:
Items available on eBay
Note that patches sold by "freedomfifty2k" and "bob82ndabn325inf"are likely promo/replica patches, not patches actually used by the company represented.